}Ministries at EBC
- Email address: media@elizabethbaptist.org
This ministry’s purpose is to provide audio-visual assistance for all church-wide programs and functions as well as maintain all audio and video materials for duplication and sales.
- Email address: nurses@elizabethbaptist.org
This ministry’s purpose is to promote comfort where needed, assist in cases of illness or accident, and provide service to our Pastor, Ministers and Members.
- Email address: outreachbasketball@elizabethbaptist.org
This ministry’s purpose is to develop an outreach basketball program for males and females ages 13-19.
- Email address: outreach@elizabethbaptist.org
This ministry’s purpose is to visit various communities to share the Gospel and win souls for Christ.
- Email address: salt@elizabethbaptist.org
This ministry’s purpose is to engage unmarried adults, single parents, divorcees, and widows in an on-going ministry and spiritual growth within the church body and beyond.
- Email address: greenhouse@elizabethbaptist.org
The Greenhouse seeks to partner with parents in lovingly leading their child in coming to know Jesus as Savior, growing in their knowledge of Him, and making Him known to others.
– Nursery: 3mo – Kindergarten
– Children: 1st – 5th grade
– Youth: 6th – 12th grade
- Email address: toastmasters@elizabethbaptist.org
This ministry’s purpose is to provide a means to improve one’s extemporaneous speaking skills.
- Email address: transportation@elizabethbaptist.org
This ministry’s purpose is to provide timely and safe transportation to church services for members in need.
- Email address: upward@elizabethbaptist.org
This ministry’s purpose is to share the love of Jesus Christ with each player, coach, referee and family and to help every player develop character, an understanding of sportsmanship and a respect for authority in any situation, on and off the court.
- Email address: wow@elizabethbaptist.org
Edify and equip every woman on the journey of faith to become true worshippers that exalt the name of the Lord.
- Email address: worship.arts@elizabethbaptist.org
This ministry’s purpose is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ by utilizing and embracing varied expressions of worship with music. https://elizabethbaptist.org/worship